Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Packing cont...

Progress is being made...slowly...

Picked up some more last minute bits and pieces today. Still have a few things to sort out though...It feels like it's neverending right now...but I know the end is looming closer every day...

Looking forward to sitting in on another yoga class this afternoon - have surprisingly being really enjoying yoga and have noticed some improvements in my flexibility (although there's plenty more to go). I've even been doing it in my sleep (and I also slept through the meditation in Monday night's class so works both ways). Looking forward to learning how to instruct yoga when I get to London. Pilates is take or leave it at the moment - maybe it'll be better when I get over there and spin - well it just hurts!! Learning to instruct all 3 will push me in different ways...

Saying goodbye to my class participants has been hard this week. I have some awesome regulars who have supported me since I first started instructing. I certainly wasn't expecting the feedback and little pressies and flowers this week. I will miss you all!! These are pics from my biggest class I have ever instructed - 150 at Carnivale at UQ Sport 2 weeks ago - so much fun!!!

I must also say a HUGE THANK YOU to my parents this week who have supported me through this chaotic time and are now buying my car to help me out. What would I (or Zooropa) do without you? I will miss you both while away...

Anyway, signing off for now...


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