Saturday, October 11, 2008

Training Officially Over...

So I have made it through my 3 weeks Boot Camp.  A very intense 3 weeks...And now the wait is on.  Six of our group got their details yesterday so they will be leaving the folds of the YMCA in the next couple of days to start their contracts.  Very exciting but a little sad that our group is breaking up.  I have made some awesome friends while here - has been a bit like the Big Brother house in that I am with these guys day and night and have formed some close bonds in a short period of time.  So next week there will be 8 of us making our way to the Academy every day for retail training.  Hopefully more of us will be leaving by the end of next week - even better if it is me...

Anyway I'm going to enjoy my first weekend off in 3 weeks and go have a shower and wash my manky hair, head to the gym for a much needed workout and get ready for a night out with the rest of the group...A well-deserved night out might I add...


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